Component Links
Control Automation
Specialists has accumulated some of the most reliable and accurate digital
mulitmeters on the market
 PEI-Genesis - Custom Engineered Connectors & Cables
Electronic Circuits Design software and electronic

EEWeb Electronics Forum. Our customized
forum is very powerful and supports: threaded comments, ability to upload
images and files, LaTex equations, etc
Old Time Radio
Catalog () offers
thousands of old time radio shows.
I have a
bunch of these myself and they are really fun.
San Francisco Circuits is a circuit board
services provider in Silicon Valley, specializing in PCB fabrication of high
technology boards such as metal core, rigid flex and high layer boards.
Australian ham radio site
Russian radio components. We are the premier supplier of arcade chips, parts and
full size games at affordable prices.
Kenwood Repair
Solid state and tube radio repair and restoration.
911EDA PCB Layout a huge list of radio study guides,
radio station test exams, information on HAM radios, and more. blog
about amateur radio experiments.
HamInfoBar - Free ham radio and swl

Old Time Radio Show Catalog low cost
collections of your favorite old time radio shows on CD as audio or MP3.

I'm a radioamateur (IW5CAN), with tons of surplus
electronic materials... so I decide to sell it or to swap, ... before my wife
kill me
source of sales and service of amateur radio and test equipment.
Online ham radio auction
(short for "Electronic Kits") is a comprehensive database of
electronic circuits and kits.

KC5WA's site of homebrew and kit
contruction including assembly experience pdf downloads.
PCB Circuit, Printed Circuit Board Fabrication, PCB
Design Software.sunstone Circuits is your easiest
source for quoting and ordering printed circuit boards online
prototypes and PCB fabrication at very low prices. All boards are manufactured
under ISO and UL.
a small manufacturer of GPS-based time and frequency products, and make
some really neat stuff.
You have to
check out this fabulous
site for all about homebrew and old radios.
NuMorse is a feature packed array of
training aids that will hone your code receiving skills in the least
possible time.
- MorseCat by DK5CI A free Windows
Morse trainer for beginners and experts
- MRX Software taking Morse Code into the
21st Century
- Radio Works Welcome to
the RADIO WORKS. You have discovered the world's best source for
high performance wire antennas, Current-type Baluns, Line Isolators,
quality wire antenna parts and accessories.
- NEC4WIN95VM NEC simulator from
ORION Microsystems.
- RF Applications, Inc. power
- AUTEK RESEARCH Autek Research
make three models of RF Analysts. In brief, our Analysts are extremely
portable pocket-size RF measuring instruments which greatly simply
measurement of antenna SWR and impedance.
- Spi-Ro Manufacturing, Inc
Transmitting & Receiving Multi-Band Antennas
Covering 1.8 thru 55 Mhz.
- Max-Gain Systems, Inc. Fiberglass tube
and rod....complete line, retail and wholesale. Our product line is
designed with the ham in mind. Quad spreaders, crossbooms, masts, etc.
Also the entire Antenna Mart and Bandmaster lines... remote RF coax
switches, tower insulators, ginpoles, HF quads, VHF quads. Vacuum realys,
vacuum variable capacitors, doorknob capacitors, transmitting tubes, and
MUCH more! Big site if you explore all the side pages.
- Fractal Antenna Systems Inc.
- Nittany Scientific antenna
analysis program (one quite inexpensive)
- Antenna Page
- Antennex an online magazine entirely
about antennas
- Sommer Antennas beams and
- Radio Works source for high
performance wire antennas, Current-type Baluns, Line Isolators, quality
wire antenna parts and accessories.
- CABLE X-PERTS, INC. specializes in
electronics wire & cable, providing excellent service, competitive
pricing, and quality products to the Amateur Radio (both domestically and
overseas), industrial, military, and communications markets
- ac6v's antenna page ,
actually ac6v's site
is a fantastic resource for ham radio
(electronics, NOT BEER)
Boat Anchors
(old equipment)

- This Russian Electronics and Ham
radio site could easily qualify as one of the best on the web. This page
has schematics for perhaps hundreds of radios, most of which are common in
the US and around the world, like Yaesu, Kenwood etc. A MUST visit. Most can be translated to English.
- AADE's list of boatanchor sites
- Glowbugs We, the members
of the Glowbugs e-mail list, are offering these pages as a printable
archive of electronic circuits which use vacuum-tubes to the Radio Amateur
and others who enjoy using tubes.
- On-line Radio Trader
has been formed to provide computer-searchable antique radio ads for
- Antique radios including many
links to antique radio sites.
- Electronics - Home Page
Welcome to Michelle's electronics home page. I sell Sams Photofacts,
service manuals, and owner's manuals for various brands of TVs and audio
equipment, as well as antique radios, parts, used electronics books, new
and used vacuum tubes.
- Play Things of Past. Vintage
Radios, Tubes, Parts, Literature
- Surplus Stuff antique radios and
- RC-10 tube manual
- R.L.Drake virtual museum
- WA9WFA Classic Ham Radio and
National SW-3
- Antique Radios
The collection of Allan Cutts
- WB7AWK boatanchor web site.
- Amateur Radio station VK3KCM
and the Collins compendium on the Web
- Nostalgic Collectibles
sales and repair
- Antique Wireless
Association classified ads.
- Vintage Radio Products Ron Hankins new
web site with products to enhance your Collins gear.
- K4XL's Boat Anchor Manual Archive FANTASTIC RESOURCE
- Amateur Radio station VK3KCM
and the Collins compendium on the Web
- Keiths Vintage RACAL
Enthusiasts Site
- W3DX Heathkit Page
- la5ki hallicrafters gallery
- OldRadio Museum Observe
Ham Radio from it's beginning
- Radio Bay National Radio
Company Information
- Hallicrafters Collector Association
virtual museum
- Collins Collectors Association
- The Boatanchor
- Radio Bay National Radio
- Antique Radio
Museum Allen B. Harbach - WA4DRU
Heathkit service
- RL DRAKE Radio
Telecommunications Equipment MUSEUM
- Heathkit by W3DX
- Military Communications
Equipment List EB5AGV's homepage. Complete schematics for R-390 and
R-390A available for download.
- Tom Norris (KA4RKT)
Links to other military and boat anchors equipment
- Antique Radio Classified antique
radio collecting, its activities, and the publication and products of
Antique Radio Classified. Covers old radio, TV, telegraph, amateur/ham
radio, high fidelity/hi-fi & audio.
- Radio Finder The Radio Finder is
Joel Thurtell, a Plymouth, Mich. radio amateur (callsign K8PSV) whose
business is devoted to locating older amateur and military radio
receivers, transmitters and accessories for a growing number of
- SB-200 and SB-220 upgrades and repairs.
- 59+
Software project 59+ Software was launched in 2000 by a
group of software engineers and amateur radio enthusiasts. The main goal
of the project is to develop professional software tools for the HAM radio
- Chip Docs the online source for
datasheets for electronic components and semiconductors, especially for
obsolete parts
- FUNET ftp site in Finland. This gets
you to the ftp index. Of interest is the \ham and \radio directories.
- ELRAD This
is a german site but it has one of the most complete ftp sites I've seen
for SPICE demos, freebe's and models.
- The QRZ Home Page amateur
radio call sign lookup, huge ftp site of ham and electronic software,
links to other ham radio sites.
Of Interest
to QRP
Circuit Board Design and Fabrication
- PCB Express
- PCB Milling Home Page
- PROTEUS schematic and PCB cad
- Express PCB free software. When
design is complete upload files and they send PCBs.
- PCB Quote is a web site which
provides FREE MULTIPLE QUOTES for PCB Layout, Fabrication and Assembly.
After filling out a single form, the user can select from a list of almost
200 vendors to request a quote from. Free six months listing is available
for any service provider.
- FAR circuits Hundreds of Printed
circuit boards for projects from leading Amateur Radio magazines, QST, 73,
Ham Radio etc. FAR makes my PCBs.
- Protel USA Schematic capture and PCB
layout programs. Download free demos and EasyTrax Freeware DOS PCB system
with gerber output.
- Alberta Printed Circuits Builders of
prototype pcb's. You can ftp your design directly to this site.
- Super Proto prototype PCB mfg for
double sided and multi-layer boards in small quantities.
- The company Top Tec PCB Ltd. specialises
in the supply of printed circuit boards with 1 to 28 layers! Our
production line comprises 48h Express and leadfree finish as
well as 50µm finest line and Rogers material. Lasered SMD
Paste Stencils can also be ordered here. From 01.01.2000 every order
is checked through a free Design-Rule-Check for producibility. Even
better: From 01.01.2004 E-Test is free for New- and related
Whether Prototype or Series: Top Quality - Low Price -
Fast Turnaround: Top Tec!
Software and
'N' Pop's Software AND
K4GHC ham resources.
to massive link pages
Very nice design tutorial site with many useful
Huge links site for engineers and hobbyists.
dealers in used equipment
Find components,
equipment, dealers etc. on the web.


- Free Trade Zone
Find and buy parts
- Asian Sources
- Find chips aims to
perform the fastest, most complete distributor search available today on
the internet.
- I.C. Master on-line
- C.E.D.C.C Component Database Server
at Penn State.
to find stuff
- PARTMINER download a free program
that searches the bigger parts distributers for a specific part number and
returns all that stock the part and a link to it's data sheet if it
exists. Really neat. Use it myself.
OEM Electronics Manufacturers
for data sheets, application notes etc.
Cypress Semiconductor and data sheets.
- ILSI crystal oscillators
- Phillips
- Wilcocorp inductor components
- SGC home of the SG-2020 transceiver
and other fine ham radio products.
- MicroClock Integrated Circuit Systems
(ICS) web site. ICS specializes in clock chips and mixed-signal integrated
- MFJ homepage
- Radio Dan We proudly represent &
distribute the Henry Radio Line of RF power Amplifiers
- The James Millen Page
- Vanlong Technical Co., Ltd. is a worldwide
supplier of quartz crystal products
- THE CRYSTALS PAGE swap page.
- New sources of CRYSTALS
- lcd / 232 interface products
- James Millen Co.
- Atmel DSP products and data
- Comclok custom makes a TTL xtal osc. for
$15 (10ppm) TOKO America
inductors and filters.
- Howard W. Sams web site
Sam's photofact mauals for electronic equipment
- Fujitsu products, download data
- Microchip Technology, The PIC people
download the latest PIC assemblers, simulators and application software.
- Motorola World-Wide-Web Server Motorola
data sheets and application notes.
- National Semiconductor data sheets,
application notes, FREE data books, SPICE models for National and
- Texas
Instruments semiconductor data sheets etc. Download CUPL, the PLD
compiler, FREE.
- Mini Circuits RF mixers,
amplifiers, transformers etc.
- MAXIM IC's data sheets, application
notes and samples. Some very interesting chips.
- Analog Devices data sheets, application
notes, fantastic devices.
- AMD Data sheets, application notes, etc.
Download PALASM the PLD compiler, FREE
- Harris Semiconductor data sheets,
application notes. Harris bought out several other semiconductor
maufacturers such as RCA so this is the place to look for information on
those chips.
- QualComm a leader in wireless technologhy.
Of interest are their Direct Digital Systhesis chips.
- SGS-Thompson
SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics N.V. is a global independent semiconductor
company that produces a broad range of semiconductor integrated circuits
(ICs) and discrete devices.
- Hewlett
Packard home page.
- OptoElectronics home page.
Makers of frequency counters etc.
- Ecliptek makers of crystals, crystal
oscillators and inductors.
- International Crystal Manufacturing
Crystals, Oscillators and filters. Inexpensive source for custom crystals.
- R.F. Monlithics SAW filters
- SUMMIT electronics Summit
semiconductors, data sheets, application notes etc.
- Pacific Semiconductor One can find
a downloadable transistor cross reference there. They also offer a list of
transistors that they sell. Their web page says they specialize in
Japanese transistors.
- MFJ Enterprises renowned amateur
radio equipment manufacturer. Page has many interesting ham links as well.
- International Radio Supplier of custom
designed, high performance quartz crystal filters for communications
receivers and transceivers... and MORE!
- Test Lab Company Electronic Test
& Measurement Equipment Coaxial & Microwave Hardware
- Burr Brown
Parts and Test Equipment
- Chassis Kits & Custom Enclosures
- HMC Electronics HMC
Electronics offers technical supplies to companies and individuals who
assemble and repair electronic products and sub-assemblies.
- Quadtech manufactures a
complete line of Hipot Testers, LCR Meters, Meohmmeters, and
- Oscilloscope Source SELECTION-GUIDE-All-Oscilloscopes
- Probe Master manufactures
oscilloscope probes, Multimeter test leads, and accessories for electronic
test equipment.
- Planet Test ...The largest online
auction for buyers and sellers in the test and measurement industry.
- Testmart Used Test Equipment and
Semiconductor Production Equipment Dealer Directory
- Component Database
Components for CB-Radios and transmitter/receiver equipment
- Welcome To The Sphere
Research Test Equipment Site
- Welcome to Buckeye Electronics!
Specializing in electronic parts for the QRP homebrewer and experimenter.
& equipment
- Forbes Distributing Company is an
electronics component dealer. We sell a wide variety of semiconductors,
batteries, wire and cable, computer accessories, connectors, LAN equipment
and test equipment.
- Electronics 123 This site
contains more than 2,400 products for the electronics hobbyist and
- cardwell condenser now home
of Cardwell, Johnson, Hammarlund and National air variable capacitors.
- City Electronic Supply
"THE Source For Ordinary, Out-Of-The-Ordinary, Hard-To-Find,
One-Of-A-Kind Electronic Parts"
- Barker & Williamson
yep they are still around.
- Widget Supply Your best stop for
Hobby Tools, Dremel(R) Supplies, and just plain cool Widgets at incredible
- Fox Electronics broad range
of crystals, oscillators, TCXOs, VCXOs, and filters
- Surplus Traders components
- Toronto Surplus & Scientific
- Rochester Electronics source for
discontinued semiconductors
- EIO is a versatile electronics
surplus source associating information with the distribution of
electronics, computer and optical materials.
- Oscillators, Crystals and
crystal filters
- Kiesub electronics company
- JADE Products
- Digi-Key Corporation A major supplier
and one I use often for my kits. Good source of PIC processors.
- Mouser Electronics Another favorite of
mine. Good source of most small parts and IC's.
- FAR circuits Hundreds of Printed
circuit boards for projects from leading Amateur Radio magazines, QST, 73,
Ham Radio etc. FAR makes my PCBs.
- Circuit Specialists Circuit Specialists,
Inc. has been supplying electronic equipment and supplies to Industry,
Universities and Government Agencies since 1971. Known mostly by Engineers
and Technicians, C.S.I. has developed a strong reputation as a supplier of
all sorts of Small Electronic Components, Test Equipment, Tools,
Personal/Business and Industrial Computers, Data Acquisition and Control
Products and Educational Kits.
- Telecode Here You'll Find Over
100 Unique Software And Hardware Tools, Files, Books, Videos, And Test
Chips For Cable, Satellite, Cellular, Computing, Hacking, Phreaking, And
Other Specialized "Fields Of Interest". Actually not a home-brew
site but a lot of good stuff with links to many other hacker sites.
- Componentweb source of
components in the U.K.
- Tucker Electronics surplus test
equipment and more.
- Hamparts electronic parts
for hams.
design and analysis including SPICE related products
Low cost
($25) shareware RF circuit designer. Written as a design aid for the
RF circuit designer, radio amateur, hobbiest, and student. The primary aim
of NOVA-686 was radio frequency design, however this program has proven to
be excellent for all analog designs. Not intended to replace Pspice (the
defacto standard) NOVA-686 is strong in areas where Pspice is weak, such
as: fast analysis rate, optimization, tweaking, S-parameters, MonteCarlo
analysis, and *accurate* RF component models.

circuits collection
- Duncan Amps
Welcome to the generic triode tube model page! This is a new model
which is designed to offer significant increases in accuracy over previous
models that we have made up, or which have been referenced here.
- Unified RF Filter and Matching Network
Design Welcome to my home page with descriptions of my on-site
seminars, books, software, and consulting services
- Wenzel Associates
Technical Library neat articles on oscillators and their design.
- Ansoft
download student version of Serenade, their HF circuit design software.
- Home Advanced PIC design tools.
Cafe - RF Cafe is a unique portal of RF, microwave, wireless, and
other engineering resources. Vast collection of equations, references and
conversions for electrical, mechanical, physical, and mathematical fields.
Links for vendors, app notes, test notes, ham radio, magazines, books,
active forums, patent and communications standards, technical crossword
puzzles, quizzes, and much more.
- ASIC Digital
Logic Design ASIC Digital Test Resources website
- electrical/electronic/RF
formula calculator software for handhelds
- Alex's Electronic
Resource Library ....An Online Guide to Useful Electrical and
Electronic Information
RF Globalnet
Ian Purdie's newest site.
- A worldwide
distribution network for Shareware, Freeware, and Public Domain software
- Interactive
Digital Filter Design
- Filter design
software This page summarizes freely-available FIR filter design
software that is available, most in source code form, on the net.
- Electrical and Electronic
Community message boards for professionals and traders in the
electrical and electronic industry.
- Inductance
Calculation Techniques Part II: Approximations and Handbook Methods,
Marc T. Thompson, Ph.D.
- TOROID Toroid
is the most complete iron powder core program on the market today. It was
designed by microwave engineers to provide filter, radio,microwave and Ham
radio engineers with all relevant information of an inductor and core at
his or her finger tips. DOWNLOAD A DEMO!!!
- Toroid Windings for QRP projects
- Micrometals Toroid
supplier, Download Micrometals Inductor Design Software FREE
- Scot's
Guide to Electronics.
- Questlink EE Design
Center, Information resource for the Electronics Industry.
- EAGLE 3.5 Light Edition
can be used for free! PCB software
- Target 2001 is a
schematic and PCB (printed circuit board) CAD program which, in the
freeware version, can create the schematics for PCBs up to 100x160mm in
size with up to 3,000 data elements.
- Wenzel Associates
Technical Library from the famous maker of precision oscillators
- Electronics Workbench from Interactive
Image Technologies
- TopSPICE from Penzar
- TINA PRO from DesignSoft Inc.
- SIMetrix Closely coupled SPICE3
analog simulator and event driven digital simulator
- WinSpice3
A free Spice3F4 Port for Windows 95 & Windows NT
- Norm's Industrial
Electronics Web Site "Data Books and Data Sheets Online"
- SPICE many
downloads available.
- Spectrogram 4.2 is
available as a free FTP download from Spectrogram version 4.2 is a
freeware dual channel audio spectrum analyzer for Windows 95 which can
provide either a scrolling time-frequency display or a spectrum analyzer
scope display in real time for any sound source connected to your sound
card. Spectrogram allows unlimited recording and playback of sounds from
the audio spectrum display and can provide very high resolution spectrum
analysis of wave files with a wide choice of frequency bands and frequency
resolution and either linear or logarithmic frequency scales. Spectrum
data logging capability is also provided. Version 4.2 replaces 4.1.2 and
adds useful new features including spectrum averaging for noise reduction
and more flexible scanning and recording capabilities.
- Micro-Cap V from Spectrum Software
- site with a whole bunch of
CAD demos from various vendors, including CirCad.
SPICE circuit simulator
- Spice Circuit Simulator
- Spice & Simulator Site
- Brewing Java? they have a
FREE Java development kit available.
- Ham Software for Soundblaster
- Circuit design shareware.
- download SPICE circuit
- The MicroCapV Spice demo software
- Electronics Search FAQ -
- R.F. Microdevices handbook
- Motorola design net site.
- Electronics Workbench Home Page
excellent low-cost mixed-mode SPICE simulator, download free demo.
- Circuit Maker another low cost SPICE
simulator featuring mixed mode.
- Circuit World a guide to
electronic manufacturing. Links to leading Electronics Magazines on line,
Component suppliers, manufacturing services etc. Interesting to anyone who
manufacturers electronic equipment.
- Academic Technologies RF,
an Analog and RF Circuit Simulation and Tool for Engineers, Radio
Amateurs, Hobby and Students or anyone interested in linear circuit
analysis and design Download Demo and order full version. Said to be low
cost but I have not checked.
- eem on-line The Electronic Engineers
Master on-line. Thousands of downloadable data sheets. Find your local
distributer or rep for almost any manufacturer. Links to IC Master but you
need to be a subscriber.
- Elanix SystemView by ELANIX gives you
the power to quickly and easily simulate complete dynamic systems and
subsystems through an intuitive block diagram interface. You can build
linear and non-linear, discrete and continuous-time systems using our
extensive libraries of pre-defined models, or create your own custom models
for specialized applications. Download evaluation software.
- Electronic Engineers Toolbox WWW
resource (links) for design engineers in the embedded systems, DSP,
real-time, and industrial embedded areas.
- Spice 3 they're giving a way a
freeby Spice3 version (16-bit) which is 2x faster than 32-bit Spice 3f4 .
Neat user front-end. It also does schematics. A few minor functions
disabled, with NO size limitations
- Alex's Electronic Test
Bench Electronic Resource Library
Other Kit Suppliers
Surplus Electronics
- Astro Too a division of Electronic
- Timeline LCDs and other
interesting bargains.
- Gootee Homepage
- Dan's Small Parts BIG
UPDATE, RF parts, shortwave kits, iron and ferrite cores hard to
find parts including dual gate FETS. On-line catalog. Prints out at 50
pages. Tons of good stuff.
- All Electronics We are pleased to offer
thousands of surplus and new electronic components for research and
development, manufacturing and education. Much of our merchandise is
unique, excess and closeouts from around the world, not available anywhere
else at any price. Our aim is low prices and satisfied customers.
- Alltronics ALLTRONICS was founded in
July 1978 and is in the business of selling and buying electronic
components and equipment. We have a storefront for walk-in customers. A
large portion of our business is mail order and wholesale to other dealers
worldwide. ALLTRONICS is located in San Jose, California near the San Jose
Airport and Highways 101 and I-880. The company occupies an 8,000 square
foot building and has approximately 10,000 square feet of offsite storage.
- Electronics and Computers Surplus City
Electronics Information On-Line is a versatile electronics surplus source
associating information with the distribution of electronics, computer and
optical materials. We have implemented innovative, interactive via e-mail,
technical forums on Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD's), Charge Couple Devices
(CCD), Stepper Motors, Lasers, Microcontrollers, Laser Light Shows,
Holography, Fiber Optics, and ECSC Products. More forums will follow on
Optics, Batteries, Prototyping and Solar Cells. We boldly supply links to
competitors, revealing alternate and additional sources of surplus
electronics, along with providing a rich listing of information on events (trade
shows, swapmeets, conferences, etc.) and resources such as web sites,
magazines, newsgroups, and information of interest to the technologically
- American Science and Surplus an
ever-changing pile of incredible stuff at unbelievable prices: science and
hobby kits, motors, tools and electrical components, educational and
office supplies, even wacky novelties and toys. Wander around our site and
you are sure to find something perfect for playing, experimenting,
inventing or building.
- Dexis surplus test equipment DEXIS
Deals in EXcess Inventory and Stuff as well other products listed below.
They also manufacture several products of theirown designs
- AllTech Electronics We've got
computers, accessories, upgrades and more!!! Retail & Wholesale
Pricing - Closeouts & Surplus Computer Related Inventory Apple ][ /
IBM / Macintosh.
- Javanco audio/video/radio, computers,
parts and surplus electronics.
- Surplus Sales of Nebraska one of
the largest selections of electronic parts in the country including
hard-to-find rf and transmitting components, as well as a huge selection
of Collins parts
- Mega Links
- Davilyn RF parts
- Gary W7FG. He has about 3000 manuals
(copies ) for sale. He has this as a side line business. 1-800-807-6146
unique fone number for us that remember all the old glow in the dark
- Metric Test Equipment Sales Value
Leader In Electronic Test Equipment
- Surplus Sales of Nebraska one of
the largest selections of electronic parts in the country including
hard-to-find rf and transmitting components, as well as a huge selection
of Collins parts
- Certified Used Test Equipment
- Welcome To The Sphere Research
Canadian Test Equipment Site
- HARLAN LABS, Inc. Quality
reconditioned Electronic Test Equipment
Interesting Sites
Crystal Radio Supply

- A to Z filters. All kinds of links to electrical and
mechanical filters including electronic.
amateur radio related web site serving the Notorious 147.435Mhz Repeater
in Los Angeles.
- Wassco production soldering material
and supplies.
- Military Equipment List
ever wonder what those pieces of military radio equipment do?
- Franz Hamberger
--- Berlin --- Germany welcome to my homepage
- PD2BVH Page
- K9GDT's homepage
- Convert Surplus GE Commercial FM Radios for
Frequency Agile Amateur Use
- AH0A.ORG Amateur Radio Education Web
Site, Download Morse Academy code practice.
- KE3FLs home page
- Delphi home page
- Peter Parker's
amateur radio pages
- THIECOM© Communication -
Distribution - Import - Export Retail and Wholesale-Trade (Germany)
- Bugs the kind the C.I.A. uses, not
- YO4AUL Amateur Radio Web Site
Corneliu S. Faurescu and I am located in the city of Constantza on the
Black Sea coast of Romania
- Sandhills Technical Service
Electronic Service for the Radio Amateur
- Ham Radio Internet Guide this may be a
repeat entry but it is worth repeating.
- K1DWU Ham links collection.
Verified and updated weekly.
- low frequency radio links
- Six
Meter International Radio Klub (SMIRK)
- step motors and more step motors
and Step
motors driver schematics
- Heathkit and
even more
- NewsLine Amateur Radio News
- Maps
- Mainline Electronics (uk)
- Computer Shopper Magazine on-line. Not
really a home brew site but very interesting to us computer users.
- Don Lancaster's home page. The famous
microcomputer pioneer and guru, enough said.
- Antique Radio Classified Link to
the world of antique radio collecting, its activities, and the publication
and products of Antique Radio Classified. Covers old radio, TV, telegraph,
amateur/ham radio, high fidelity/hi-fi & audio.
- Not
a web site but I saw this ad that should be of interest to Heathkit
owners. Photocopies of origional Heathkit manuals are available. Call
616-925-5899 from 8 to 4 Eastern Time.
- The Art of Electronics where
to buy an excellent electronics text book from my friends at The Rowland
Institute for Science.
- FAQ This is
the [semi-official] FAQ of the sci.electronics.* groups FAQ.
- TEARA Triangle East Amateur Radio
Association homepage!! TEARA is a non-profit organization assembled to
encourage the exchange of ideas and information, to foster friendship and
fellowship, to keep Amateurs abreast of area "happenings", and
to share and promote amateur radio with people from all walks of life.
- Electronic Guide Welcome to
the WEB site of BeMa Electronics. The purpose of this site is to collect
and show interesting information about microelectronics. Chip Directory
and Electronic Resource Directory
- schematic online Radio World,
radio information for the United Kingdom
- Electronics Search FAQ
- Liquid Crystal Display FAQ
- Pacific Semiconductor One can find
a downloadable transistor cross reference there. They also offer a list of
transistors that they sell. Their web page says they specialize in
Japanese transistors.
- Nuts & Volts Magazine the new
Nuts & Volts Magazine Web site. This site is designed to complement
and enhance the printed version of Nuts & Volts. If you are not
familiar with the magazine and would like more information, this is the
right place!
- NTE provides a valuable semiconductor
cross reference
- The AC6V Ham & DX
Reference Page features links to over 50 Antenna Mfgs and Dealers.
- WD4NGB's DX page
download DXTelnet V 2.1
- Sources for downloading
Hamcomm 3.1 - The VW Bug Of Amateur RTTY and AMTOR C0mmunications
a place to get a FREE homepage and e-mail for licensed amateurs.
- hosts many ham web sites
and has free classified ads
News Groups
- List of over 100 mail list
- QTH.NET has many newsgroups you can join
and a very simple panel that allows you to subscribe or unsubscribe.
Click one of the following for a one time look at the group. You can add
it to your 'subscribed to' list by checking the box.
The following are
run by majordomo ( a software program designed to run news reflectors). The
process is the same for all of them differing only in the list_name and
list_server. You will receive e-mail from all postings to each reflector. this
can be about 100 per day from just QRP-L, however, you can also receive daily
digests. You can also scan the archives at the web sites listed below.
- To subscribe to any
of the following lists send e-mail to :
- list_server where list_server is shown
below for each list
- In the BODY of the
mail message, NOT in the Subject: of the message
- subscribe LIST_NAME where list_name is
shown below for each list
- You will be sent a
welcome message with all necessary instructions.
dedicated to qrp low power operation
- list_server is listserv@Lehigh.EDU.
- list_name is qrp-l
- a group that started in North Carolina. The KLQRP list is for discussion of
activities like technical projects, special operating events like Field Day or
expeditions to the NC Lighthouse locations, get-togethers like meetings at
member's houses, events like the hamfests, or other special events.
- list_server is
- list_name is klqrp
G-QRP the
U.K. version of QRP-L
- list_server is
- list_name is gqrp-l
- Archives of the
- The list archives
can be browsed on the World Wide Web - point your browser at
- in the body of your
message include one line: subscribe heath (your real name, not call sign)
Send message to
with subscribe list-server in body
(not subject) of message
or goto
for complete up to date list and instructions.
- list_names are
- 50mhz 6 Meters only Amateur Radio
- 50mhz-digest 6 Meters only Amateur Radio
List Server
- alinco Alinco Amateur Radio List-Server
- alinco-digest Alinco Amateur Radio List
- aprs APRS Amateur Radio List-Server
- aprs-digest APRS Amateur Radio List
- ares-races ARES-RACES Amateur Radio
- ares-races-digest ARES-RACES Amateur
Radio List Server
- bcvhfa Butler County VHF Assn. List-Server
- bcvhfa-digest Butler County VHF Assn.
List Server
- bitbucket The BitBucket Amateur Radio
- bitbucket-digest The BitBucket Amateur
Radio List Server
- cw CW Amateur Radio List-Server
- cw-digest CW Amateur Radio List Server
- forsale-swap ForSale/Swap/Wanted Amateur
Radio List-Server
- forsale-swap-digest ForSale/Swap/Wanted
Amateur Radio List Server
- fox_tango Fox-Tango Amateur Radio
- fox_tango-digest Fox_Tango Amateur Radio
List Server
- georgia-skywarn Georgia Skywarn Amateur
Radio List-Server
- georgia-skywarn-digest Georgia Skywarn
Amateur Radio List Server
- ham-books HAM-BOOKS Amateur Radio
- ham-books-digest HAM-BOOKS Amateur Radio
List Server
- ham-software HAM-SOFTWARE Amateur Radio
- ham-software-digest HAM-SOFTWARE Amateur
Radio List Server
- handi-hams Handicapped Hams Amateur
Radio List-Server
- handi-hams-digest Handicapped Hams
Amateur Radio List Server
- homebrew Homebrew Amateur Radio
- homebrew-digest Homebrew Amateur Radio
List Server
- icom Icom User's Amateur Radio
- icom-digest Icom User's Amateur Radio
List Server
- kenwood Kenwood Amateur Radio
- kenwood-digest Kenwood Amateur Radio
List Server
- laser Free Space Laser Communications
- laser-digest Laser Communication Amateur
Radio List Server
- list-owner-info marcnet Marin Amateur
Radio Club List-Server
- marcnet-digest Marin Amateur Radio Club
- marrn MARRN Amateur Radio List-Server
- marrn-digest MARRN Amateur Radio List
- meteor-scatter Meteor Scatter Amateur
Radio List-Server
- meteor-scatter-digest Meteor Scatter
Amateur Radio List Server
- mnqrp MNQRP Amateur Radio List-Server
- mnqrp-digest MNQRP Amateur Radio List
- mobile-portable MOBILE-PORTABLE Amateur
Radio List-Server
- mobile-portable-digest MOBILE-PORTABLE
Amateur Radio List Server
- newsvhf North East Weak-Signal VHF
Amateur Radio List-Server
- newsvhf-digest North East Weak-Signal
VHF Amateur Radio List Server
- nlrs Northern Lights Radio Society
Amateur Radio List-Server
- nlrs-digest Northern Lights Radio
Society Amateur Radio List Server
- packet-pbbs Packet and PBBS Amateur
Radio List-Server
- packet-pbbs-digest Packet and PBBS
Amateur Radio List Server
- park PARK Amateur Radio List-Server
- park-digest PARK Amateur Radio List
- ppares Pikes Peak ARES Amateur Radio
- ppares-digest PPARES Amateur Radio List
- ppraanet Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Assn.
List Server
- ppraanet-digest Pikes Peak Radio Amateur
Assn. List Server
- qsl-net Private Amateur Radio List-Server
- qsl-net-digest Private Amateur Radio
List Server
- skywarn SkyWarn Amateur Radio
- skywarn-digest SkyWarn Amateur Radio
List Server
- smirk SMIRK Amateur Radio List-Server
- smirk-digest SMIRK Amateur Radio List
- sstv-atv SSTV and ATV Amateur Radio
- sstv-atv-digest SSTV and ATV Amateur
Radio List Server
- vaafmars Virginia AFMARS Amateur Radio
- vaafmars-digest Virginia AFMARS Amateur
Radio List Server
- vintage-radio Vintage Radio and AM
Amateur Radio List-Server
- vintage-radio-digest Vintage Radio and
AM Amateur Radio List Server
- wsvhf International Weak-Signal VHF
Amateur Radio List-Server
- wsvhf-digest International Weak-Signal
VHF Amateur Radio List Server
- wswss Western States Weak-Signal Society
Amateur Radio List-Se
- wswss-digest Western States Weak-Signal
Society Amateur Radio List S
Use the 'info
<list>' command to get more information about a specific list.
- This e-mail list is for posting of items for
sale, want to buys, and want to trades. It is for tube type equipment
and their contemporary accessories and parts. Any equipment with tubes
is welcome.
- Here's how to
baswaplist It is located at:
- To subscribe send
email TO:
and in the message ONLY say: subscribe
- To unsubscribe
send email TO:
and in the message ONLY say: unsubcribe
- To send a post to
the members of the list: send email TO:
- Boat Anchors in the u.k.
(or UN-SUBSCRIBE) to/from the mailing list,
- Email to:
- stating your
requirement (SUBSCRIBE or UN-SUBSCRIBE)in the main body of text.
- Glowbugs
- You just send
an e-mail to:
- With text:
- subscribe
glowbugs your_email_address
- ham-stuff
- To subscribe,
email to: No subject line. Message: subscribe
- AzHam
- is a mailing
list (reflector) open to all radio amateurs residing in Arizona (or just
interested) for the purpose of enhancing communication throughout the
- AzHam is NOT
allied with any club or organization, but is open to members of any/all
such clubs (not required).
- News (like
Arizona Science Center updates or other) of local interest is welcome:
- * Hamfests *
Upcoming Meetings * Gossip * Elmering * Coordination * Emergencies,
assistance * Hams, Experimenters * Newbies, Wannabees
- We will
tolerate some amount of sell/swap, but that is not the intention.
- The mailing
list is provided by Al Waller K3TKJ at no cost and I (K7ON) do the
administrivia (grunt work, and ever so humbly I might add).
- To join, send
email as follows:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: subscribe azham
- Please direct any
questions to: or
- ham-linux newsgroup
- send an email
- and place this
line in the body of the message: (the line below is all you need)
subscribe ham-linux
- Antennas
- is a mailing
list (reflector) devoted to discussing, comparing, evaluating,
designing, and constructing antennas (aerials) of all types, especially
for amateur radio, SWL, scanning, and monitoring.
- * Design and
Evaluation * Modeling, Optimizing * Analysis Software * MF, HF, VHF,
UHF, SHF * Construction Projects * Anything Else Antenna Related
- To join
Antennas, send email as follows: TO: SUBJECT: BODY:
subscribe antennas
- Post to
Antennas as follows: TO:
- Antennas is
sponsored by Al Waller K3TKJ and routine administrivia is handled by me
( Enjoy.
is a mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of radio
equipment manufactured by MFJ Enterprises of Starkville, Ms and
affiliates (Ameritron, Mirage, etc).
- * Amateur Radio
Equipment * Multimode, Packet Data Controllers * HF and VHF Amplifiers *
Accessories * QRP, VHF, Test Instruments * Buy, Sell * Anything MFJ
- To join the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO: SUBJECT:
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- To post to the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- This reflector
is provided by Al Waller K3TKJ at no cost and I (K7ON) perform the
routine administrivia.
- Please contact
me with any questions:
- GPS is a
mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of the Global
Positioning System and uses relating to amateur radio, experimenting, or
other activities.
- * Hand Held GPS
Units * Trackers * Amateur Radio Applications * Interfacing * Buy, Sell
* Anything GPS Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO: SUBJECT:
BODY: subscribe GPS
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
SUBJECT: BODY: unsubscribe GPS
- To post to the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- This reflector
is provided by Al Waller K3TKJ at no cost and I (K7ON) perform the
routine administrivia.
- Please contact
me with any questions:
mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of radio equipment
manufactured by Standard Amateur Radio Products.
Radios, HTs, etc * Buy, Sell * Anything Standard Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO: SUBJECT:
BODY: subscribe STANDARD
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- To post to the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- This reflector
is provided by Al Waller K3TKJ at no cost and I (K7ON) perform the
routine administrivia.
- Please contact
me with any questions:
is a mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of Amateur Radio
Special Events and Operating Events. Operating Events (like Field Day or
State QSO Parties) while at times competitive lack some of the
characteristics of a true Amateur Radio Contest, but any related
discussion is quite welcome here.
- * QSO Parties *
Special Events Stations * Expedition Announcements * On The Air
- To join the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO: SUBJECT:
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- To post to the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- This reflector
is provided by Al Waller K3TKJ at no cost and I (K7ON) perform the
routine administrivia.
- Please contact
me with any questions:
a mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of radio equipment
manufactured or distributed by Premier Communications of Walnut, Ca.
Radios, HTs, etc * Buy, Sell * Anything ADI/Premier Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO: SUBJECT:
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- To post to the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- This reflector
is provided by Al Waller K3TKJ at no cost and I (K7ON) perform the
routine administrivia.
- Please contact
me with any questions:
mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of Amateur Radio
- * Repeater
Owners * Equipment, Sites * Linking, Systems * Coordination, Users *
Buy, Sell * Anything Repeater Related To join the mailing list, send
email as follows: TO: SUBJECT: BODY: subscribe
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- To post to the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- This reflector
is provided by Al Waller K3TKJ at no cost and I (K7ON) perform the
routine administrivia.
- Please contact
me with any questions:
is a mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of personal
computers (or other) used for amateur radio, communications, or
- * PCs, Macs,
Amiga, etc * Interfacing * Upgrades * Enhancements * Buy, Sell *
Anything Ham Computer Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO: SUBJECT:
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- To post to the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- This reflector
is provided by Al Waller K3TKJ at no cost and I (K7ON) perform the
routine administrivia.
- Please contact
me with any questions:
a mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of interference of
all types.
- * Broadcast
Interference (BCI) * Television Interference (TVI) * Radio Frequency
Interference (RFI) * Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) * Detection,
Location, Prevention * Neighbor Solutions * Telephone Problems *
Filters, Suppressors, Black Magic To join the mailing list, send email
as follows: TO: SUBJECT: BODY: subscribe TVI-RFI-EMI
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- To post to the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- This reflector
is provided by Al Waller K3TKJ at no cost and I (K7ON) perform the
routine administrivia.
- Please contact
me with any questions:
is a mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of the tools of
the trade of electronics experimentation, repair, analysis, design,
construction, etc.
- * VOMs, VTVMs,
Oscilloscopes * Spectrum Analyzers, Curve Tracers * Tube Testers, Signal
Generators * Buy, Sell * Anything Test Equipment Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO: SUBJECT:
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- To post to the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- This reflector
is provided by Al Waller K3TKJ at no cost and I (K7ON) perform the
routine administrivia.
- Please contact
me with any questions:
- YUPI is a
mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of radio equipment
manufactured by Yupiteru Industries Co Ltd, 12-33 Shibaura, 4-Chome,
Minato-Ku, Tokyo 108, Japan
- * Very Desirable
Scanning Equipment * Buy/Sell * Anything Yupi Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO: SUBJECT:
BODY: subscribe YUPI
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
SUBJECT: BODY: unsubscribe YUPI
- To post to the
mailing list, send email as follows: TO:
- This reflector
is provided by Al Waller K3TKJ at no cost and I (K7ON) perform the
routine administrivia.
- Please contact
me with any questions:
- CLOVER is a
mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of the Clover data
transmission mode and protocol.
- * Equipment *
Automated Stations * Terminal Software, Express, XPWin, etc * Advanced
Digital Communications Techniques * Schedules and Coordination * Buy,
Sell * Anything Else Clover Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email as follows:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: subscribe clover
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: unsubscribe clover
- To post to the
mailing list:
- TO:
- This reflector
is sponsored by Al Waller (K3TKJ).
- Please address
any questions to:
- FOXHUNT Mailing List
- FOXHUNT is a
mailing list (reflector) devoted to the discussion of hidden transmitter
hunting and direction finding.
- * Equipment *
Fox Hunts * Direction Finding * Beacons * Schedules and Coordination *
Buy, Sell * Anything Else Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email as follows:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: subscribe foxhunt
- To be removed
from the mailing list, send email as follows:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: unsubscribe foxhunt
- To post to the
mailing list:
- TO:
- This reflector
is sponsored by Al Waller (K3TKJ).
- Please address
any questions to:
- QRP is a mailing list (reflector) devoted
to the discussion of QRP, low power amateur radio.
- Conventional
thinking considers 5 watts transmitter output or less (10w PEP SSB) to
be QRP operation.
- QRPp is
milliwatt operation (less than 1w).
- * Low Power
Amateur Radio * Homebrew Equipment * Backpacking and Outdoor Radios *
Equipment, Antennas * Buy, Sell * Anything QRP Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: subscribe qrp
- To be removed
from the mailing list:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: unsubscribe qrp
- To post
information/questions to the list:
- TO:
- This mailing
list is sponsored by Al Waller (K3TKJ).
- Please address
any questions to:
- QRPp is a mailing list (reflector)
devoted to the discussion of QRPp, low power amateur radio.
- Conventional
thinking considers 5 watts transmitter output or less (10w PEP SSB) to
be QRP operation.
- QRPp is
milliwatt operation (less than 1w).
- * Low Power
Amateur Radio * Homebrew Equipment * Backpacking and Outdoor Radios *
Equipment, Antennas * Buy, Sell * Anything QRPp Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: subscribe qrpp
- To be removed
from the mailing list:
- TO:
SUBJECT: BODY: unsubscribe qrpp
- To post
information/questions to the list:
- TO:
- This mailing
list is sponsored by Al Waller (K3TKJ).
- Please address
any questions to:
- WxSat is a mailing list (reflector)
devoted to the discussion of WxSat, weather satellites.
- * APT, HRPT,
WEFAX * NOAA, GOES, METEOR * Equipment, Software * Remote Sensing and
Interpretation * Anything WxSat Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: subscribe wxsat
- To be removed
from the mailing list:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: unsubscribe wxsat
- To post
information/questions to the list:
- TO:
- This mailing
list is sponsored by Al Waller (K3TKJ).
- Please address
any questions to:
- PacSat is a mailing list (reflector)
devoted to the discussion of PacSat, packet radio satellites.
- * Amateur Store
and Forward Satellites * Telemetry Reception and Interpretation *
Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis * Equipment, Software * Satellite
Sleuthing * Anything PacSat Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: subscribe pacsat
- To be removed
from the mailing list:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: unsubscribe pacsat
- To post
information/questions to the list:
- TO:
- This mailing
list is sponsored by Al Waller (K3TKJ).
- Please address
any questions to:
- CommSat is a mailing list (reflector)
devoted to the discussion of CommSat, commercial satellites.
- * TVRO, DBS, C-Band,
Ku * Hidden Signals and Subcarriers * Equipment, Software * Satellite
Sleuthing * Anything CommSat Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: subscribe commsat
- To be removed
from the mailing list:
- TO:
SUBJECT: BODY: unsubscribe commsat
- To post
information/questions to the list:
- TO:
- This mailing
list is sponsored by Al Waller (K3TKJ).
- Please address
any questions to:
- HamSat is a mailing list (reflector) devoted
to the discussion of HamSat, amateur radio satellites.
- * Amateur Radio
Satellites * Transponders, Schedules * DX, Special Events * Equipment,
Software * Buy, Sell * Anything HamSat Related
- To join the
mailing list, send email:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: subscribe hamsat
- To be removed
from the mailing list:
- TO: SUBJECT: BODY: unsubscribe hamsat
- To post
information/questions to the list:
- TO:
- This mailing
list is sponsored by Al Waller (K3TKJ).
- Please address
any questions to:
- Ten Tec reflector:
- To subscribe
you simply send a message to . In the body
of the message only type 'subscribe'. No subject or other text is
necessary. You should receive a confirmation message back within a few
- To unsubscribe
you simply send a message to In the body
of the message only type 'unsubscribe'. No subject or other text is
necessary. You should receive a confirmation message back within a few
Books & Magazines

- QST subscription
rate $31.00 per year
- American Radio
Relay League
- 225 Main St.
- Newington, CT
- 73 Amateur Radio Today subscription rate $24.97 per year
- 73 Magazine
- 70 N202
- Peterborough, NH
- RF design free
to qualified professionals (one of my personal favorites)
- RF design
- PO Box 1147
- Skokie IL
- Electric Radio subscription rate $28 per year (for antique radio)
- ER
- 14643 County Road
- Cortez, CO
- 970-564-9185
- SPRAT The Journal of the G-QRP club subscription rate $14
- John Leak, G0BXO
- Flat 7
- 56 Heath Crescent
- Halifax, HX1 2PW
- England
- Stuckbutton
magazine is written and published by Daniel Bartlett, VK4TDB for amateur
radio enthusiasts.
- Abe Books source of out-of-print
- Sonoran Publishing
We specialize in antique radios, vacuum tubes, antique phonographs and
related topics.
- Lindsay Publications Inc.
- Old Authors Bookshop
Old Authors has a wide range of used and collectible books, with
concentrations in early
electro-technology (radio, wireless, telephony, telegraphy,
electricity, and television).
- Radio Era Archives manuals and
- Mother of all used bookstores, Powell's
- bibliofind, inc a great site for
finding books.
- JWO Services good book site.
Web Services
Amateur Radio Sites
About Time